So often, I hear people asking the wrong kind of questions? The kind of questions that can only lead to a place of negativity. Leaving them feeling even worse than they did before asking it.
You will likely recognize the questions I am referring to:
· Why can I never catch a break?
· What am I doing wrong?
· Why does everybody hate me?
· Why can’t I lose the weight?
· What is going wrong now?
· Why am I always broke?
You subconscious is very powerful but not great at sorting out what you want from what you don’t want. It just knows that it has to keep you safe and is subject to your suggestions.
So it picks up:
· I never catch a break.
· I need to do it wrong.
· Everyone hates me.
· I don’t want to lose weight.
· Things need to go wrong.
· I need to be broke.
Can you see that it makes a difference what thoughts you allow to drift through your mind on a regular basis. If you truly understood the power of your thoughts and feelings you would guard them for the gift they are.

Commit to paying attention and journaling the questions you catch yourself asking yourself and others.
Are they negative questions?
Is that what you want to manifest in your life, your workplace?
How can you rephrase the question in such a way that it manifests or creates what you actually want?
You can use the table below to write down the questions you normally ask yourself and than create alternatives.
Use the table below for questions you ask yourself and then write down alternatives that will manifest what you do want!

Now apply these alternative questions and observe and journal the difference it makes for you (how you feel, the thoughts and feelings that follow) and observe how life changes :)